Tag Archives: fairies

Fairy and Elf Doors!

We’re a big fan of fairy doors and gnome doors here at our house.  We have a gnome door in one of our trees out front and have made salt dough fairy doors inside in past years (click here to see how we did it).

Tonight, I stumbled on some more wonderful ways to make fairy doors (or elf doors or goblin weapons closets or whatever your children want to deem them!).

Here’s a few…..  Click on the links for lots more photos and directions.

Knickertwist posted all sorts of fabulous inspirational photos on Craftster I think it’s brilliant to use popsicle sticks for the doors, and now we have a new reason to start stockpiling them.

And just look at the tiny laundry hanging nearby!

Artful Kid posted this adorable twig fairy door to Flickr.

Kaboodle featured this darling door that was offered for sale on Etsy.

And Roots Nursery really went to town making fairy doors after getting inspired by others online.

This would make a fantastic rainy day project with the kiddos and I think we’ll try our hands and making some more sometime soon.

Remember not to focus on making perfect little pretty projects.  For kids, the magic is in the making of them, especially when we share their enthusiasm and join in the fun.  And fairies are marvelously unconcerned about perfection.  😉

Happy Weekend, Happy Easter, Happy Passover and Happy Everything Else!



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10 Ways to Make Today Magical

Happy Monday!

Here’s a few ways to make some memories with your kiddos this week….

1.  Have the kids play dress up in their most fanciful clothes and then go on an evening walk around the neighborhood.

2.  Start a snail habitat.  Magical Mama Jen shared this sweet idea years ago for the Magical Childhood newsletter…

I have always loved snails, and while out with Sage a month or so ago, we were looking at snails and how they have 2 sets of antennae, etc…and I thought…why not bring them IN?  Soooo….I searched on the internet to see what snails need to be able ot survive indoors.  All you need is a large container with air holes (of course, lol)  In the bottom, place about an inch of gravel…then a couple inches of soil on top of that.  Place some “greenery” from outside in there…it will root and grow very well….also, give them a rock to play on, lol, and lean a stick in there…..a good idea is to place some moss on some of the soil to help retain moisture for them.  They eat fruit and veggie scraps…..ours love carrot and cucumber, but do NOT like cantaloupe or celery.  It’s been quite educational for us to have them…as well and fun…you can see their mouths open up, they have a row of teeth called a Radula that they rub on food to eat it..very neat to see their open mouths as they stick to the container.  :o)

You should mist their habitat every day or so, keeping their home moist, but not overly so.  Also…the chlorine in water is bad for them, so either leave a container of water open outside for a couple days to let the chlorine evaporate, or boil water for about 10 minutes. (lid off)

You should also clean out their home every week or so…and a tip that I saw on one web site was to put their food on a little piece of wood, or something to that effect, so once it starts to get a little “icky”, you can just take the wood out and rinse it off….much easier than digging around in there with your hands to remove the left overs.

Hope that helps some…if you need more info, try typing “snail habitat” in a search engine….

3.  Go for a walk in the rain with your child.  Umbrellas optional.

4.  Have a bubble relay outside– players blow or carry their bubbles from person to person and start over if they pop.  Alternately, blow a bubble and see if you can work as a team to blow it across a finish line.

5.  Help the kids make these pretty pens from strips of their art or favorite scrapbooking papers.  Chocolate on my Cranium has the super easy instructions.  These could also make sweet gifts for Father’s Day.

6.  Make up a miniature golf course in the backyard or living room.

7.  Throw a fairy party.

8.  Find a patch of clover and find four leaf clovers.  My kids find dozens.  To preserve them, press them between a small, folded piece of waxed paper in a heavy book.

9.  Find some whimsical stickers and help the kids scatter them around the house in half-secret places.  We once used a sheet of dragonfly rub-ons this way and it was so fun to happen upon them.  You can put them inside a dresser drawer or cabinet drawer, on baseboards or mirrors, anywhere.  Make sure they’re removable if you don’t want permanent whimsy!

10.  Make tissue paper resist prints.  The Frugal Family Fun Blog tells you how.

And with that, chickadees, I’m off to pretend to be productive before my doctor’s appointment.  Hopefully we’ll get an ultrasound date this time and we can try to find out a little more about our jumping bean!

Have a magical week!


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How to Make a Rose Petal Crown

Today’s craft comes courtesy of Annalee, who created this lovely rose petal crown as a gift for a friend.

She says that all you have to do is gather some fallen rose petals (or other flower petals) from the ground and then gather a handful of stiff, long grass (the type that’s going to seed and looks like wheat on top).

Poke the stiff end of the grass through the rose petals and spread them loosely, weaving several strands of grass.  Loop them around in a circle and tie the ends or fasten or tuck them.  That’s it!

Here’s a shot of the crown from above, showing how it was fastened.  Anna used pliant clover stems to wrap around the grass ends and tie them in knots.

Isn’t it lovely?  It would be a perfect accessory for a fairy party — or just an afternoon in the back yard!

Happy Sunday!


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Fairy Sightings

We went to a winery this weekend that had a little booth with face paints, fairy wings and other whimsical things.  We struck up a conversation with the wonderful couple who ran the store and delighted in their affordable, fabulous goodies and services.

We left with fairy wings, painted faces, fancy hair clips and lots more.  The kids happily wore their loot for the next couple of days, which led to delighted exclamations from so many people they passed.

The grand tally included…

Fairy wings: $1 each

Face painting: $2 each

Playing tourist fairies in public:  Priceless

Try it!  Deck the kids out in something whimsical (you too, if you dare!) and head out to bring smiles to everybody’s faces — especially yours.  🙂

Happy Wednesday!

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Fairies Seem to Love Michigan

I’ve wanted to visit Ann Arbor for years because of the fairy doors all over the city, but now I’ve found out that Northville (also in Michigan) hosts lots of fairy doors too!

Take a look at some of these darling little entryways.  I think it must be at least a tiny bit magical to live in a city that has tiny little bits of whimsy scattered so nicely through itself!

Does your city have any fairy doors?  Does your house?  We have a little gnome door on an outside tree and we made salt dough fairy doors last year for inside.

I am now inspired all over again.  Maybe we’ll have to make more!

If you want to see more of Ann Arbor’s fairy doors for inspiration (or to go visit!), here’s a site with pictures and a map.  You can even see inside some!

Happy Tuesday!


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Potted Fairy Gardens

I’ve been trying to share these whimsical fairy gardens with you and Word Press is trying very hard not to!  First it wouldn’t post my photos and then it ate my entry completely and posted it blank.

Let’s try this again!

Pretend I say all sorts of fun things right here and there’s two really enchanting photos.  Then go here and here to see what they did.

Happy Sunday!


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Fairies Galore!

The Crafty Crow has a round-up of fairy crafts today and some are simply too sweet to pass up!  I especially love the plastic bottle fairy houses.  They’re darling!  Her ideas to make little dolls into fairies are brilliant too.  What a fun site!  I can’t wait to explore them all.


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Fairy Parties!

Magical Mama Rebecca asked the other day if I had any ideas for a fairy birthday party for her soon-to-be 9 year old daughter.  Do I?!  We love fairy things around here and will use any occasion to have a bit of fairy fun.

Here’s a few ideas (some illustrated with photos from Victoria’s May Day birthday party yesterday)….

Fairy Wands

These are so simple, so inexpensive and so pretty and fun.  We do these all the time.  Just grab some different colors of ribbon, some scissors and have the kids gather small sticks.  Have them select their ribbons and cut them about 2 feet long (as many as they like, but at least 4 or so) and tie them on one end of the stick.  Then walk, dance, run, twirl, etc. with your lovely wand!


We also call these wizard wands, ribbon wands or magic wands, for kiddos who prefer to be wizards or other magical folks.

Face Painting

This is another simple but fabulous activity!  You can use Halloween face paint, make your own (a bit of food coloring, cold cream and corn starch does the trick but it can stain your skin for a day or so if you mind!).  Another really easy thing to use is cheap eyeliners and lipliners.  You can pick them up for less than a dollar in all sorts of colors — blue, green, pink, etc. and then draw designs right onto your lovely fairies.

This gorgeous fairy did her own makeup for our party yesterday and she did such a good job I asked her to model for you all!


Basically, just do swirls and patterns and be artistic.  If you want to get more elaborate, here’s a shot of my girls after some generous fairies painted their faces a couple of years ago.


Flower Petals

Ask your local florists and grocery store floral departments for unwanted flowers for a sweet fairy party prop.  We used old flowers yesterday for our May Day party (the children always throw flower petals at “Old ManWinter” the way they did in the old days) but petals are fanciful any time of year.  Whenever I have dried up flower bouquets I let the kids do “flower magic” and tear the petals off and throw them up in the air outside while making wishes.  There is just something delightfully magical about tossing flower petals!  We got some wonderful flowers free from one florist and paid $1 per dozen for old roses at another.  It’s well worth a few dollars.


You can also use them scattered around to decorate the table or to make a path to the party.

Fairy Food

There are some easy ways to serve up fairy food.

One simple one is to just make jam sandwiches, trim the crusts and cut them into tiny squares or shapes.

You can also spread jam on a piece of white bread, top it with another, trim the crusts and roll it flat with a rolling pin.  Then roll it up and use a sharp knife to cut slices to make tiny pinwheel sandwiches.

Fairies like foods that are tiny, of course, so any tiny food works well.  Tarts are fun but you can also just set out lots of tiny foods like hulled strawberries with a scoop of cream cheese frosting on top.  Mini muffins and mini cupcakes are also fitting, and kids love to decorate their own!

To make lovely pink fairy pop (which is also all natural), mix one can of any red or purple 100% juice concentrate with 3 cans of carbonated water (found in the soda aisle). You can add organic, edible flowers in the cups with the ice cubes if you have access to any that have not been treated with pesticides.

Make Fairy Houses

These are always a hit if you are having an outdoor party.  The rule of fairy houses is that you have to assemble them entirely with natural items that you find (such as bark, fallen leaves and rocks).  Children can create their fairy houses and then leave them in a secluded spot or take them home with them to put in their own yards.  (I have heard that sometimes you can tell that grateful fairies have moved in because they leave a tiny thank you gift outside!)

More Fun Props

These all add more whimsy to the fairy theme:
~ bubbles
~ glitter (perhaps a trail wherever fairies may have left presents)
~ flower garlands
~ fairy wings, of course (here’s another way to make them)

This time of year I like to use potted flowers as take-home treats for party guests.  You can let each child decorate a small pot with paint pens or permanent markers and then pick a flower (I just buy 6-pack flats of annuals in lots of colors) to pot up in it.  You could also extend the fairy theme by stenciling or painting some fairies directly on some pots for the kids to take home if you want to skip the art time for the kids.  Be sure to add glitter.  Fairies love glitter!  😉

Other possibilities for party favors are fairy books, fairy wings that they make at the party, bubbles and their wands of course.

My all time favorite fairy book is A Fairy Went A-Marketing (affiliate link) by Rose Fyleman.  It is delightful with amazing artwork and a must-have for every home with children in it if you ask me!

I hope some of those ideas will work for you!

I am currently finished with birthdays number one and two with their corresponding parties and we are headed to Iowa tomorrow for birthday number three.  Yes, we have 3 children’s birthdays in 4 days and yes, we celebrated them each individually this year!  In three different cities, no less.  I am utterly sleep deprived and apologize in advance for any misspellings or nonsensical lines I may have written.  🙂

Tomorrow we are meeting some wonderful friends in Iowa to celebrate Alex’s 2nd birthday and lend them Victoria for a week!  She’s going back to Nebraska with them, and I’m sure they’ll have some fairy fun down there this week (and every other sort).  I’m planning a bit of a fairy party here for my other 3 while she’s gone.  I picked up some cute little fairy napkins at the craft store on clearance and figured it was a sign that we had to have a fairy party!  I figure we’ll have to have extra fun to make up for the fun Victoria is having, and fairies are a wonderful way to do that.

Happy Sunday!




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Fairy Crowns & Weaving Plastic Baskets

I love these whimsical crowns from Mommy Blessings!  They’re inexpensive, easy and adorable.  Head on over to her delightful blog for the instructions andlots of other neat crafts.

And at that neat blog I found a link to this wonderful recycling craft at The Lucky Ladybird where she teaches you how to weave unwanted plastic shopping bags into baskets.  She says they’re sturdy, flexible and waterproof.  They’re also really great looking!  She says she plans to use hers for a laundry basket but these would be wonderful for holding recycling, toys and so much more.

Now if only the few bags I had weren’t all white…..  🙂

Ah well!

Happy Friday!

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Quick and Easy No-Sew Fairies!

I’m in love with these darling little fairies that Half Pint Pixie made up for her little girl to celebrate the start of spring!

Hop on over to this page for all the instructions.  I’m sure you could use old fashioned clothespins for the bodies if you didn’t have the little blank dolls, too.

Aren’t they darling?  🙂

Be sure to check out the rest of her blog as well.  She’s an Irish, vegan, AP mama who seems delightful!

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