I am (uplifting them)


Here’s a wonderful project that I am so happy to see!

I am (uplifting them) is a new social media project that proposes to use social media to uplift our kids instead of to shame them.


Page creator Stephanie says:

I am saddened by the amount of kid-shaming photos and stories I see all over the internet. My proposal is that we flood the world wide web with kid-positivity and uplifting stories and photos. So, grab a kid (preferably your own; if not get permission) and ask them to finish the sentence, ‘I am…’ Write down what they say (I guarantee it’ll be positive) snap a picture of them holding it and post it everywhere! Post them here as well and let’s see how many uplifting, positive things we can learn about our children!



Want to take part?  You can join in on Facebook or Twitter and invite your own kids to celebrate how fabulous they really are.  🙂





I’m off to see what my kids want to put on their signs!



Filed under happy stuff, neat stuff elsewhere

11 responses to “I am (uplifting them)

  1. Marta

    I really love this … Can wait to see what my kid would say 😉

  2. Lysa@MonkeyAndSquish

    Love this!

  3. loran

    Brilliant….. self esteem (self worth) is so important for a contented life and the lives of others. This ripple makes a difference…. well done!

  4. Pingback: I Am (Uplifting Them) Project. | Monkey & Squish Blog

  5. Where is Stephanie’s page? I love this idea, but can’t find her page. Thanks!

  6. Alicia

    This is sweet. Reminds me of “The Help”. Sometimes I am so tempted to post something on FB that would show one of my kids in a bad light just for the funny factor, but I hold myself back because of an article I saw similar to this idea. I’m so glad.

  7. Pingback: I Am Project | fcubed

  8. Reblogged this on The Emporium of Lost Thoughts and commented:
    Great project…post pictures of your kids holding uplifting messages about themselves.

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