Today’s a Good Day to…..

…go on a walk with your favorite super hero, fairy princess…

even the kid who is too old to dress up anymore.  šŸ™‚

I ask you, how could anyone not have a good day with companions dressed like this?!


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5 responses to “Today’s a Good Day to…..

  1. Anonymous

    love it!
    What a great way to go for a walk! My daughter is partial to wearing her tutu just about everywhere! It always puts a smile on my face.

  2. Anonymous

    My 6-year old has a dress kind of like the pink one…or at least, it probably used to look something like the pink one. Now it’s grey, and it’s so tattered that every time she wears it, another big swath is somehow torn off. She wears it practically every day, all day.
    I have a question for you–I can’t figure out how to e-mail you–do you or your kids have any good ideas for a fairy birthday party? We’ve always kept the b-day parties pretty low-key around here, just a nice cake, but I kind of want to do something a little fancier for my dd who loves fairies and is turning nine in 3 weeks. She has a vague idea about some kind of treasure hunt–I know there’s lots of potential but my mind is a blank. Victoria? Ideas?

    • Re: dress-up
      Sure! One great thing to do that hardly costs anything is to make fairy wands. Have the kids find sticks and then tie thin ribbons to one end (it’s good to find a little crook at one end to sort of catch them). It’s super simple but they love to run and stream the ribbons behind them and it looks very whimsical. My kids like to leave them sticking up in the garden and the ribbons flutter amongst the flowers.
      Then there’s fairy wings. My favorite plan for those is in my old newsletters. If you go to my site and search for “fairy wings” it should pop up.
      I have a picture of the girls with their faces painted by fairies and it looked fabulous. I’ll look for that to post that on Saturday too.
      Oh, and tiny fairy food… You can sandwiches with raspberry jam, press them flat and cut them into tiny squares or hearts and arrange them. Tiny fingerprint jam cookies are fun or little tarts. We have a fairy cookbook you might find at the library. It’s mostly just pink stuff!
      If you can wait till Saturday I’ll post lots of thoughts. We have one birthday down though and Victoria’s just started 16 minutes ago so we have a May Day party out of town to get all ready for today/tomorrow (when we wake up!). Then Saturday is our day off and Sunday is Alex’s birthday, when we’re meeting good friends in Iowa!
      Monday I’m really going to rest a lot. šŸ™‚
      Oh, and my email is I thought there was a link around here somewhere….
      I’ll ask Victoria for ideas but Annalee will probably have tons too. She’s my fairy princess (and 9!).

      • Anonymous

        Re: dress-up
        Oh, thanks! This is getting my wheels turning…I think the face painting and tiny sandwiches/cookies would be a real hit…I have til May 22nd to get it together so I’m happy to wait if you or Annalee or Victoria have more ideas later.

  3. Raf77

    I will never forget the day I went grocery shopping with my 18month old dressed up as a little Indian or that time when she came with me to our local market one day as Tinkerbell, she was 3 by then… wish we’d do it more often, thanks for reminding me šŸ™‚

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