11 Ways to Make the 11th Magical

(Flickr photo by Leo Reynolds)

This Friday is 11/11/11 so I thought it would be fun to dream up 11 ways to make the day magical this week!

I got the idea from Magical Mama Sue, who is planning a fabulous 11/11/11 party for the day with lots of wonderful, wacky ideas.  Here’s her swiped plan:

Party ideas include the party starting at 11:11 a.m. and going no later than 11:11 p.m., all guests wearing exactly 11 items of clothing, and an 11 course meal!  Courses include: “beverage, olives, appetizer, meze, tapa, soup, salad, entree, veggie, dessert, cheese” (and appetizers are one bite appetizers)! 

For those who don’t know (I didn’t!), Sue explains: “Meze is greek for appetizer. Pronouced mezz-ay. You could always bring tapas instead. Spanish for appetizer. Or an appetizer, which is American for appetizer.” 

Doesn’t it sound fun?!  🙂

And in case you’re not up for a full-fledged party, here’s 10 more ways to make the 11th magical!

  1. Give your child 11 little presents to unwrap.
  2. Make a list of 11 fun things to do together.
  3. November 11th is also Veterans Day in the United States in support of our military veterans, and it is also celebrated as Armistice Day or Remembrance Day in other countries.  Take the day to do 11 nice things to thank veterans (take art to a veterans’ hospital, call a loved one who is a veteran to thank him or her, etc.).
  4. Play 11 games together throughout the day.
  5. Make an 11 memory book.  To commemorate the day, make a scrapbook or altered book (an unloved book that you repurpose and do art over) all about your child right now with an 11 theme — pages with lists like 11 things I’m good at, 11 people who love me, 11 things I want to do someday…
  6. Bake an 11/11/11 cake and put 11 candles on it, and then light and blow them out 11 times.
  7. Make your kids lists of 11 reasons you love each of them.
  8. Serve 11’s for lunch — all foods that look like 11 when lined up, like two celery sticks, two pretzel sticks, two string cheeses, two carrot sticks, etc.
  9. Spend the day doing 11 good things for others (the last one for yourselves!).
  10. Everybody make a wish at 11:11 on 11/11/11.  Make it good!


Filed under Ways to make today magical

4 responses to “11 Ways to Make the 11th Magical

  1. katherine marie

    LOVE IT ALL!!!!!

  2. Mamie Jane

    you are so fun! your posts make me smile. glad to see you back!!! now to decide which to do…

  3. Pingback: Celebrate 11-11-11 this Friday « Coolest Family on the Block

  4. Pingback: 11.11.11 - Raising Lemons

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