Weather Trees!

Weather Tree by Betsy Wetsy on Flickr

I’m in love with weather trees. 

I’ve admired them over the years and always wanted to start one with the kids. offers this one for sale from the UK each year…

And they also offer one that focuses on goals (weight loss, exercise completed, eggs laid by chickens and small business profits are some examples!) instead of weather…

And this gorgeous one is available on etsy.

I’ve had several pinned on Pinterest for a while now to inspire me to make my own.

Now with the new year and this free printable weather tree from se7en, we’re all set to go!

Some people just color them with one or two colors for sunny or cloudy, while some color-code the leaves for hot, windy, rainy and so on.  On some calendars, you can see people colored the leaves several colors to show changing weather or various elements of the day’s weather.

We’re going to do the weather (cloudy, rainy, snowy, sunny, etc.) for the main part of the leaf and outline the leaf to show temperature (hot, cold or mild).  Of course, here in Minnesota I think anything above zero counts as mild these days.  🙂

Ours is printed and we’re filling in the first leaf tonight.

Happy 2014!


Filed under neat stuff elsewhere

5 responses to “Weather Trees!

  1. Love these…sharing on Facebook.

  2. That’s so neat! And pretty!

  3. momthinks

    So pretty! Great idea.

  4. Gisèle

    Hello. I’ve been trying to access weather for five days now to no avail. Particularly like that tree as I had the same when I was little. Any suggestions?

  5. Pingback: Day One of Lockdown in Regional Victoria – Inspiration At Play

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